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All our sales are subject to these terms and conditions, which prevail over all conditions of purchase except formal and express waiver on our part. Any order implies full acceptance of these conditions of sale and warranty.  




Our company disclaims all liability for the calling into question of a manufacturer's warranty, a mechanical breakage, electronic or insurance coverage.   Before ordering an E85 kit, it is essential to check the engine technology of your vehicle because on some models of vehicles, we lack information. Therefore, we will not be responsible for any error on your part.   We remind you that currently the ethanol conversion kit is not approved for road use. We can not be held responsible for a refusal to pass the technical control, or any damage that may occur.  




The fuel consumption and power increase figures in our commercial documents are indicative and do not constitute a contractual commitment.  




In the case of distance selling, a deadline for delivery is specified before the conclusion of the contract, the exceeding of more than 14 days of this delivery period allowing the consumer to cancel the sale without being able to collect damages in the context of this termination. Incidental or force majeure cases are reserved for our benefit and give us the right to suspend the execution of orders for a period equal to the duration of the fortuitous event or force majeure. Shipping is always the responsibility of the customer, whether mailed by carrier or express, unless otherwise stated. The goods travel at the risk of the recipient, who has recourse against the carrier (Shipped under colissimo followed without signature or letter followed, for a shipment against signature, you must make us a request by email). Any complaint made must be made in writing to the carrier at the time of delivery and copy must be sent to us within eight days, otherwise no claim will be allowed.




Our prices are calculated from our stock, shipping or transport costs are the responsibility of the customer (unless otherwise stated). Our invoicing is always made at the price in force on the day of the expedition.  




Our sales are always made exclusively for cash, net of discount. Any default and / or late payment authorizes us to suspend shipments, Law of 31.12.92 n ° 92/1442: any delay in payment will result, automatically and without any prior notice, from the date of expiry of the application of penalties fixed at a rate equal to 1.5 times the legal interest rate of the current year.  




As stipulated in Article L121-20 of the Consumer Code, you have a period of 7 days from the date issued on your invoice to retract. Then, you have a deadline of 14 working days following the communication of your written retraction to return us the product, in its state of origin, without penalties with the exception of the expenses of return. Products must be returned complete, unmounted or in perfect condition for resale in their packaging and original packaging colissimo followed. If the conditions mentioned above are met, we will refund (withdrawal within 14 days) or issue a credit note to the buyer within 5 to 30 days, the total amount of the purchase of the products returned by him (except delivery charges). In case of return not in accordance with our conditions of return, the product will be sent back to the CUSTOMER with a letter stipulating the reasons for not respecting the conditions of return. At the end of 2 returns refused, the 3rd return of the product still not in conformity with our conditions of return, will leave in destruction without notice and warning with the CLIENT.


Upon receipt of the return made by the CUSTOMER, any product found damaged, or whose original packaging has been damaged, will not be refunded, returned or exchanged and the return will be charged to the CLIENT.

Products returned "to have on order" will not benefit from refund.  


Company address :                                                              

  E85 Performance                                                                

227 The poibelière                                                                

 44522 MESANGER                                                                 

LOIRE ATLANTIQUE                           


  Siret: 82976089100012 Registered in the RCS of Nantes




Our items are guaranteed between one year. Labor costs for disassembly and reassembly of these remain the responsibility of the customer who must return the product. The warranty applies for normal use, no warranty is granted as a result of faulty assembly. Our warranties are strictly limited in any field and in particular within the framework of articles 1641 and following of the civil code to the only replacement of the parts or products defective and to the expenses of port and transport, the costs of labor of assembly and disassembly remain the responsibility of the customer and our company can not in any case be liable to pay damages for any reason whatsoever. Our company excludes any guarantee in the event of force majeure, negligence or lack of maintenance, improper use or faulty assembly. Electronic products such as ethanols kits are guaranteed 1 year manufacturer (manufacturer warranty). To validate the E85 Performance guarantee, the purchaser must justify the installation by a professional, on invoice. The guarantee of the ethanol kit can not be requested more than twice and can not take place after a reinstallation on another vehicle.


9 / DISPUTE DISPUTES Any dispute relating to the sale of our products even in the event of warranty claims or multiple defendants will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the commercial court in whose jurisdiction our head office is located.   10 / PROPERTY RESERVE Our company retains ownership of the goods sold until actual payment of the full price in principal and incidental. For the purposes of this clause, payment of a security creating an obligation to pay does not constitute payment. Failure to pay by any installment may result in the claim of the goods, the goods in the possession of the buyer being presumed to be unpaid. These provisions do not prevent the transfer of risks to the purchaser from the outset of the products of our premises. Until full payment of the principal and accessories, the purchaser will not be able to resell or transform the products of our company.   11 / CLAUSE RESOLUTOIRE OF FULL RIGHT In the absence of payment by the purchaser of the sums due to our company, the sale will be solved automatically if it seems to our company by simply sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt referring to this clause without prejudice to the right of our company to claim damages.





Copyright Ecokite85 2020. Non-recoverable VAT

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